Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Catholic Cardinal Says Women Have "Bitter Experiences" When They Marry Muslims

According to BBC News, two documents published in Rome have called for extreme caution by Catholic women contemplating marriage to a Muslim.

In one, issued by the Vatican last year, a Vatican cardinal, Stephen Hamao, wrote about what he called the "bitter experiences" that European women have had in marrying Muslims.

Pope John Paul II had tried to improve relations between faiths

The difficulties are compounded if the couple then goes to live in a Muslim country, the cardinal warned.

The tone was unusually strong in an age when interfaith dialogue seems the predominant buzz word. Then last month, Cardinal Ruini, the head of the Italian bishops, added his voice.

In addition to the problems any couple faces setting up a family, he said, Catholics marrying Muslims have to reckon with extra difficulties arising from deep cultural differences.

Some Muslim scholars have expressed surprise at the Vatican documents and Italian liberal groups have also criticised them.

The complete article may be read at this link:


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