"Bush Fiddling While World Burns," Maine Fiddlers Protest
"A group of fiddlers came to Kennebunkport, Maine, today to take over the fiddling. Their message to Bush was to, 'Stop fiddling and start really working on global warming. Leave the fiddling to us!'" (Photo: Arthur Fink)
KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine - July 3 - A President Bush figure, appearing as a modern-day Nero, joined Maine fiddlers today in Kennebunkport, fiddling while global warming starts to burn the world. The group included some of Maine’s finest fiddlers who entertained the holiday crowd down the coastal road from the Bush family summer retreat.
Participants said that Bush’s inaction on global warming calls to mind the legend of Emperor Nero (64 A.D) who was said to have fiddled while Rome burns, Entering the terms “Nero,” “Bush” and “global warming” in a Google© search returns 84,700 hits.
"The Bush paralysis on this important issue, gives real fiddlers a bad name," said Greg Boardman, a leading Maine fiddler and music teacher. "With all due respect, Mr. President, leave the fiddling to us, while you turn your attention to slowing global warming."
Boardman led a spirited group of musicians performing fiddle tunes, including every known standard on the themes of heat, weather, power and irresponsible politicians.
"Artists need to interpret events, to be willing to say the emperor has no clothes, to envision alternatives," said Natasha Mayers, the artist who designed the banners displayed at the event. “We need to come together around this powerful issue, to help each other understand our role in the world and our planet’s survival."
“Inaction in the face of serious climate disruption is shameful," said Jon Hinck, a Portland environmental lawyer and advocate. “People in Maine are starting to rise to the challenge presented by global warming. Where is George Bush and the federal government?”
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