Wednesday, June 07, 2006

New 'Caught Red-Handed' TV Ad Starts Airing Today: 4 Reps Charged with Voting to Protect War Profiteers like Halliburton

WASHINGTON - June 7 - Political Action launched a new television ad today charging four Representatives with voting to protect war profiteers like Halliburton. The launch coincided with rallies outside of the Members' offices where local veterans joined MoveOn members to demand the return of thousands in defense contractor contributions.

"At a time when our soldiers' lack of body armor was a national scandal, and most of us were worrying about the safety of our troops, these Congressmen and women's attention was focused on letting war profiteers like Halliburton off the hook for overcharging our military and defrauding American taxpayers,? said Eli Pariser, executive director of MoveOn Political Action.

"Even our troops in Iraq are subject to the effects of Washington's culture of corruption. These Members, who took tens of thousands in campaign contributions from defense contractors, protected them from stiffer penalties for war profiteering. It's an outrage because every dollar that Halliburton took through fraud could have gone to our Army and our troops," said Eli Pariser, executive director of MoveOn Political Action.

At the four rallies, hundreds of MoveOn members gathered petition signatures and held up large signs and giant yellow ribbons with a message to the Congressman: "Support Our Troops, Not Halliburton."

Today's launch is the third in a series of Political Action's "Caught Red-Handed" television ads slated to run through June 16th. The group is spending over $300,000 to run the ad on stations in the four districts.

Substantiation for the ads can found on the following Web sites:


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