Friday, December 09, 2005

Christmas Blues Affect Many, Prescriptions for Healing

As I was talking to one of my younger friends recently, he told me that despite having a nice steady job, a cute boyfriend, and no immediate economic worries, he was feeling a bit down as Christmas approaches.

Being, a bit....ok well quite a bit older, I drew on some of the lessons I have gained over the past few decades, in an effort to comfort him.

All of us need to remember what professional salespeople do, as they fight every day to combat the rejection and disappointment they are handed regularly.

Firstly, the glass is never half empty, but always half full. Secondly, rejection and unhappiness are part and parcel of life, part of our human experience. Thirdly,for those of us who are Christians, God's healing love is always there for the asking, too many of us forget to just ask. Don't be too proud, or too self conscious to attend the services of your choice, get on your knees and ask for God's grace.

It will arrive, take it from one who has received it.


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