Saturday, December 31, 2005

Cheney Concept of Executive Power Slammed by Greeley in Op-Ed Article

In a searing article, published in yesterday's Chicago Sun-Times, Roman Catholic priest Andrew Greeley, slams the interpretation of executive power, which has been postulated by VP Dick Cheney. This article is well worth reading, see link address after excerpt for the complete piece.

The controversy about spying on the American people fails to understand the implications of "Cheney's Law" -- the president of the United States has unlimited power in his role of commander in chief to do whatever he deems necessary in a time of war. He can intern prisoners without trial, approve the kidnapping of suspected enemies, send these suspects to prisons in foreign countries where they will be tortured, deny the right of habeas corpus, even nullify laws Congress has passed. He needs no permission from Congress or the courts to engage in any of these activities. The president, in other words, is the maximum leader at any time that he decides it is appropriate for him to exercise ultimate power in the United States.

Vice President Dick Cheney has argued this with considerable vigor and persuasiveness. Indeed, he argued it even before he was vice president. The current White House has obviously bought it.



Blogger Annie said...

Good blog!

I cannot for the life of me understand how any American can support these practices.

6:39 AM  

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